Money Aligned

A Masterclass for Spiritual and Conscious Entrepreneurs

Are you truly passionate about your business, but find yourself struggling when it comes to the financial side of it?                                          

It's frustrating, isn't it?                                     

The feeling of being held back by limiting beliefs, preventing you from achieving the financial success you deserve.           

Trust me, I understand.                              

I've walked in your shoes. In fact, I once abandoned my thriving business due to a negative money mindset that convinced me wealth was incompatible with spirituality. It's a story I'll share during our exclusive masterclass.

Now, I'm curious: What stories are you telling yourself about money? What is preventing you from embracing the abundance that awaits you?

Let's embark on a transformative journey together and uncover the hidden barriers that keep you from receiving more than enough.

Prepare to receive powerful activation as we delve into the process that will ALIGN you with your deepest financial aspirations.

No more struggle, yearning, and chasing after success. This is your opportunity to manifest a life of abundance effortlessly.

As you read these words, you may feel a surge of excitement. Could it be a sign from the Universe that this masterclass is precisely what you've been seeking? Listen to that inner voice and click the button below to secure your spot.


What others are saying?

If you're looking to shift your money mindset, improve your financial habits, and cultivate abundance, I wholeheartedly endorse working with Anna. As a highly professional coach with a positive outlook and great energy, she's a fantastic listener who's dedicated to helping her clients succeed. With her guidance, I was able to identify the limiting beliefs that were holding me back and learn how to align my actions with abundance. And best of all, she provided me with a personalized strategy to help me on my path. Thanks, Anna- you're amazing!



Anna's expert guidance in transforming my money mindset has truly transformed my outlook on life. She helped me identify and understand my money blocks and the archetypes that were limiting my potential. Her insights have allowed me to make necessary changes in my life and step into my true potential. I am incredibly thankful to Anna for guiding me and revealing hidden aspects of my personality that I was previously unaware of.



Anna Chainska is a renowned Soul-Led Money Coach for Women CEOs, as well as a wife and mother to Alexander and Maya. She is the caring guardian of 4 precious cats and one adorable dog, a toy poodle named Coco.

Anna's exceptional work has been showcased in OMYoga Magazine. Catch glimpses of her extraordinary life in the enchanting United Kingdom or join her live streams where she shares weekly episodes titled "Sunday Money Miracles" on how to bridge the gap between your income and your desired income, empowering you to manifest extraordinary wealth and success. Immerse yourself in the journey of reclaiming your inner power and embracing your role as a leader in both life and business.

Additionally, Anna offers valuable advice and guidance on the art of Wealth Creation and how to uncover and connect with the profound Sacred Power of Money and the Goddess of Abundance that resides within you.

Connect with Anna:



I am thrilled to meet you and guide you towards a future where money flows abundantly into your business. Together, we will unlock the gateway to prosperity and fulfillment. Don't miss this life-changing opportunity. Enroll now!